Investing in a set of solar panels for your roof can cost upwards of $20,000. While this is a significant investment, a number of homeowners find the savings on their energy bill to be worth it. Solar panels are environmentally-friendly and a great option for anyone hoping to have a home that is self-sustaining.
How to Install Panels
It is best to work with a certified contractor when you are installing solar panels. Install the panels in the direction where they will be able to capture sunlight. They work the best on flat roofs but they can also work on sloped roofs as well. During the winter, there are heating tools you can use that will melt the snow so your photovoltaic panels will be able to capture the sunlight throughout the year and provide you with plenty of energy. Installation of the solar panels must be done when the weather is cooperating. Never install them when it is raining as this can cause damage to the weatherproof lining on the roof as the panels need to be installed and sealed against the roof so you don’t have leaks.
Concerns with Solar Panels
Weather is always a concern for homeowners. If you have high winds in the area, it could potentially lift the panel from the roof and cause serious destruction to your home. Obtaining a windstorm certificate is an essential aspect of installing the solar panels to allow for the appropriate protection to your home, and to your neighbors.
Buy or Lease?
Since the cost of solar panels is expensive, a number of homeowners are leasing solar panels. Solar panel leasing will reduce the initial investment in the solar panels, but you will receive a tax credit for the installation of the panels. This can offset some of the costs associated with solar panel installation. If you install panels and you lease them, what happens when you sell your home? Typically a new buyer will assume the lease as part of the sale of the home.
Contacting Installers
The best way to find out how much it will cost to install solar panels is by contacting installers. They will come to your home and review what needs to be installed on the roof and within the home for the system to work effectively. Failure to have the panels installed correctly could lead to leaking concerns with your roof. Since the panels are attached to the roof, several homeowners replace the roof at the same time as panel installation as it helps to guarantee the roof is protected for a set number of years.
Battery Banks
One of the important elements of the solar panel installation process is having battery banks installed. They will store the power generated by the solar panels. Failure to have enough space to store the power can end up causing you to waste the energy that is generated from the sun. Battery banks will vary in size based on the power loads needed for your home, and usually require venting. Contact a quality solar panel installation company today if you want to save money on your energy costs and boost your home’s value.