What is Bi-Metal Recycling and How Does it Work?

A large pile of bi-metal recycling scrap.

You may have heard of recycling aluminum cans or plastic bottles, but have you ever recycled bi-metals? Bi-metal recycling is the process of recycling items that are made of two different types of metals.

Did you know that the average American throws away about four pounds of waste each day? A lot of this waste ends up in landfills where it takes centuries to decompose. However, recycling bi-metals can help reduce the amount of waste in landfills, and it’s good for the environment!

How Does Bi-Metal Recycling Work?

The first step in bi-metal recycling is to sort the metals by type. Once the metals are sorted, they are cleaned and crushed into small pieces. These small pieces are then melted and formed into new products. Aluminum cans are recycled using a process called smelting, where the aluminum is melted down and reformed into new products. Steel cans are recycled using a process involving magnetism, where the steel is separated from the aluminum and reformed into new products.

The benefits of bi-metal recycling are twofold. First, it reduces the amount of waste in landfills. Second, it conserves energy and resources because recycling requires less energy than manufacturing new products from scratch. Bi-metal recycling is one of the most effective ways to help the environment and reduce your carbon footprint.

A large pile of metal scrap ready for the recycling process.

Some common items that are made from recycled bi-metals include:

• Aluminum cans
• Brass door knobs
• Bronze statues
• Copper pipes
• Steel beams

Why Should I Recycle Bi-Metals?

Recycling bi-metals helps reduce pollution and conserve resources. For example, recycling one ton of steel conserves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal, and 120 pounds of limestone. In addition, recycling bi-metals takes less energy than making new products from scratch. So next time you go to throw away a can or piece of metal, think twice! You could be helping the environment by recycling it instead.

An industrial machine moving scrap metal.

Bi-metal recycling is the process of recycle items that are made out of two different types of metals. It’s a great way to reduce pollution and conserve resources. The next time you go to throw away a can or piece of metal, think twice and recycle it instead!