If you are looking to go away for a while travelling or you are even downsizing your home, it may be necessary to put some of your possessions into storage, whilst you are away. If this is the case, then you will need to make sure that you pack your belongings away correctly, in order to make sure that they do not get damaged in storage. Choosing the correct containers to use will go a long way in making sure that no damage comes to your belongings. If you’re living in the East of London there are plenty of companies that offer self storage in Peterborough or nearby areas and they will also be able to give you similar advice to what is below, when looking to put your possessions in storage.
Paper, Clothes and Fabrics
Paper should be stored in a waterproof and preferably airtight container. This will stop the damp from affecting the paper. For clothing and fabrics, you will need to make sure that everything is 100% clean, before you put this into storage. When all of your items are clean and ready to be stored, a great way to reduce the space that the fabrics or clothes take up, is to use vacuum bags. These can be found at many different retail outlets, and you can use your vacuum cleaner to draw all of the air out of the bag. Again, just like with paper, you will also need to make sure that your clothes and fabrics are stored in a waterproof container, although if you use vacuum sealed bags, the container does not need to be airtight.
Choosing the Correct Boxes
When you are choosing your boxes for storage, you will need to make sure that you get boxes which are suitable for the purpose. If you are packing heavy items in the box such as crockery or glassware, then you will need to make sure you have a strong and stable box, as well as plenty of packing material inside, so that nothing moves and gets broken. Big plastic boxes with lids, are good for packing your items from the kitchen, along with heavier items, and these can also be stacked easily.
Do Not Over Pack
One thing which is important, no matter what type of boxes you are using, is not to pack too much into each box. Cardboard boxes can become out of shape when over packed, so you will not be able to stack them properly. As well as this, you want to be able to lift the boxes easily, without injuring yourself and potentially dropping the box, along with its contents. Doing self storage in Peterborough (or other areas) will put over-packing in check. So don’t over do it!
Perishable Goods
If you are looking at storing your possessions in a storage unit, then you will also need to make sure that you do not store any perishable goods in your unit. Things like food stuffs and also plants, over time will start to rot, which can also have an effect on your other items in storage. Rotting food and other perishable items can attract both insects and also vermin, which may decide to make their home in amongst your belongings. This is why most companies that offer storage, do not allow you to store these types of items, to protect both your own possessions, and also the possessions of other clients.
Combustible Goods
You will also find that many storage facilities will not allow you to store combustible and flammable goods in your unit. Again this is for safety purposes and also is for the benefit of other users of the facilities. Your storage company of choice will be able to provide you with a full list of prohibited items for you to check out before you move your belongings into storage. Just remember how long your contract lasts for, as if you forget to come back in time or pay your fees, you may just lose everything!