We all love ‘Did you know?’, so we have compiled a list of things you can recycle from around the home and what they are recycled for.
Everyone knows about the usual cardboard, aluminium cans and glass bottles and how they are recycling but there is so much more around the home that can be recycled and used elsewhere. So …
Did you know – wine bottle corks can be reused to create a number of materials that include craft materials, flooring tiles, business and home insulation and sports equipment. A company called reCork recycle corks and create such materials.
Did you know – your old running trainers and school shoes can be recycled at your local recycling centre and be turned into useful building materials.
Did you know – that instead of selling your car to a garage or part exchanging it when buying a car, you could actually recycle your car and its parts can be re-used, re-manufactured and recovered to use again. A company called Recycling Monkey recycle cars and decide the most cost effective and environmentally friendly way to do so.
Did you know – a lot of make-up companies accept old compacts so you don’t have to through them away. MAC, for example, accepts returns through its Back to MAC program.
Did you know – you can melt down your children’s old crayons and create cool shapes with them. Although, if you wanted to get rid of the old crayons because your children have grown out of using them, there is a company called Crazy Crayons that specialises in recycling crayons.
There are a lot more things around the home that can be sent to companies that recycle your old unwanted items and create something new and great from them. It is important we all try to recycle and re-use as much of our unwanted items as we can.
For more information on what you can or cannot recycle, check with your local recycling centre.